Retired Officers 80th Annual Banquet

Retired Officers 80th Annual Banquet

September 14th saw our 80th Annual Retired Officers Banquet. But for the pandemic it would have been the 81st.

We had over 400 people in attendance including City Council members and the Chief of Police.

The event was produced by Rich and Kevin O’Neill with the support of Stephanie Coleman, Terri MacMillian and a host of others. It was a great success and everyone had an outstanding time.

Follow this article for updates as we will soon be posting more photos and a more proper recognition of all those who worked so hard to make this event a great success.

We have started to load the photos from this event. There are a lot. You can view them at our photo site. We are sorting through and organizing them but most are available for view and download right now. You can add you comments by signing in with your Facebook login info. No need to buy a photo unless you want a high quality printed copy.

Photos from the Banquet are available. Click here to view the photos.

Mark Sigfrinius was our special guest at this banquet. Follow this link to view a video presented at the banquet.

You will also find a link to the Last Ring video from the banquet.

Chief Rahr attended the banquet. Following the event she sent an email to all of the active members of the department. We think she did a great job of detailing the importance of the RSPOA. We have posted her comments here.

Chief Rahr comments on 80th Banquet

I want to share the amazing experience I had Saturday evening at the 80th Annual Banquet of the Retired Seattle Police Officers Association. There were over 400 people gathered, some retired, many who are currently serving, and some very cool family legacies. It is extraordinary to me that this organization is still thriving after 80 […]

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Yolanda Velasco

Yolanda F. Velasco #6558, passed away on June 21st at sixty-nine years of age. Yolanda was assigned to the SPD Records Unit. She was hired on August 16, 2000 and retired after twenty-one years of service on May 5, 2021.

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Pam Cain

Pam S. Cain #5645, passed away on April 13th at seventy-four years of age. Pam was hired on January 28, 1991 and retired after sixteen years on February 20, 2007. Pam was asssigned to the SPD IT Unit. Pam’s picture along with her obituary can be found at:

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