2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2024

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
January 11, 2024

President Taylor called the meeting to order in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club at 1145 hours January 11, 2024. Rich O’Neill led the Pledge of Allegiance and following that Taylor asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for Arvid Jensen #2359 passing Monday December 25th at 83 years of age.

Roll call of Board members showed Taylor, John Nordlund, Nick Bulpin, Rich O’Neill, Terri MacMillan, Joe Bouffiou, Dan Melton as present with Dan Oliver, Kevin O’Neill excused.

Taylor directed attention to the minutes of the December 10 meeting and asked for any corrections, additions, or deletions. There being none Frank Kampsen moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Joe Bouffiou and passed.

Myrle Carner reported he will try to have a speaker for the February RSPOA meeting to be the head of the city council’s public safety committee for a presentation.

Roy Skagen took a moment to relay recent contacts with former Chief of Police, George Tielsch who is now in his nineties living in Ranch Mirage following his retirement from Santa Barbara PD. Roy recalled how Chief Tielsch was not favored by local media with his no-nonsense approach when referring or defending the police department activities.

Frank Kampsen reported the national police officer’s Line of Duty Deaths for 2023 were 124 with countless additional injuries from assaults, accidents, etc. as results of official on duty contact with citizens. He mentioned recent suicide deaths are being investigated as whether these incidents are duty related. He concluded by understanding the nationwide difficulty recruiting and retaining officers.

Rich O’Neill reported the 80th Annual retired Officers Banquet has been scheduled for Saturday September 14th at the SPAA Range pavilion. He noted the change to Saturday may make attendance less traffic impacted. He asked for suggestions of improvements to make next year’s event even better than 2023. Several comments were voiced regarding minor improvements. The banquet cost is $20,000.00 and RSPOA members are free with guest dinners kept at a minimum when compared with an evening out. Donations would be welcome along with possible sponsorships on ads or in programs/ads. RAP President, Pepper Prahmus started the 2024 banquet fund with a generous donation of $1000.00.

There being no further business John Guich and Joe Sanford conducted a door prize raffle. The meeting adjourned at 1245 hours and 44 folks enjoyed a nice lunch.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
February 8, 2024


President Taylor called the meeting to order in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club at 1150AM February 8, 2024. Joe Bouffiou led the Pledge of Allegiance. Taylor asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for Gerald Sampont #3193 passing away January 17th at 79 years of age. Taylor went on to recognize four widows who have recently passed on.

Roll call of Board members showed Taylor, John Nordlund, Nick Bulpin, Rich O’Neill, Joe Bouffiou and Dan Oliver present with Terri MacMillan, Dan Melton, Kevin O’Neill, and John Sullivan excused.

Taylor directed attention to the January 11th minutes that have been distributed and asked for any corrections or omissions. Joe Bouffiou moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Ron Haviland and passed.

Myrle Carner addressed the meeting with an update on the scheduled fund-raiser for gubernatorial candidate, Dave Reichert here in the ball room at the Nile, April 9th. from 10 to noon. He was asking for table captains for 8 person tables in hopes of reaching the goal of 300 attendees. Information pamphlets were passed out.

Jim Yoshita announced there will be a celebration of life for Gary Veatch here at the Nile scheduled for March 2nd. More details are being worked out.

President Taylor reported the current legislative session is coming to closure with several bills being discussed. He noted the law restricting police chases is being reviewed and currently is the only law enforcement item on the agenda.

President Taylor was pleased with the turn-out for today’s meeting and attempted to acknowledge the many folks who haven’t been seen for a while. He apologized to anyone not recognized but stressed the importance of socializing with one another at these various RSPOA gatherings.

The door prize team of Joe Sanford and John Guich held the drawing for the lucky ticket holders and following that, the meeting adjourned with 52 folks enjoying lunch.  The catering staff was overwhelmed by the attendance and did the best possible to provide enough food.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
March 14, 2024

President Taylor called the meeting to order in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club at 1145 hours, March 14, 2024. Rudy Sutlovich led the Pledge of Allegiance and Taylor asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for:

Joseph Sanford #1896 retired Seattle Police Sergeant passing March 22nd at 88 years of age.

Joseph Higgens Jr. #3981 retired Parol officer passing March 9th at 72 years of age.

Paul Jellen #3564 retired Patrol officer passing February 27 at 77 years of age.

Roll call of board members showed Taylor, John Nordlund, Nick Bulpin, Rich O’Neill, Kevin O’Neill, Terri MacMillan, Dan Melton, and Dan Oliver present with John Sullivan and Joe Bouffiou excused.

Taylor directed attention to the minutes of the February 8th meeting and asked for corrections, additions, omissions. There being none, Frank Kampsen moved minutes be accepted as written with motion seconded, by Dan Melton, and passed.

Myrle Carner announced the Dave Reichert for Governor Fundraiser is scheduled to be held in the Nile Ball Room April 9th beginning at 1000 hours until noon. It is hoped the room will be filled with 300 folks at eight top tables with coffee and pastries available.  The tables will be assigned captains to ensure supporters willing to help with campaign donations.  Campaign manager, Patti Mann reported Dave is anxious to be with the law enforcement community as well as business leaders to assist in his gubernatorial efforts. The cost is free to attend with hopes of generating support.

President Taylor announced today he will be stepping down as RSPOA president. A position he has held for 20 years. Vice-president John Nordlund will assume the duties effective immediately.

Taylor notified the RSPOA Board of his intentions March 12th via email and hoped it will be officially announced to the membership at today’s RSPOA regular monthly meeting. As Taylor passed the gavel to John Nordlund, both received a standing ovation from those present.

Please see the retirement message provide by President Taylor to the entire RSPOA Board of directors March 12th via email.

Greetings Board Members,

I have been honored to serve as the RSPOA President for twenty years.  It is time for me to step down.  I am now almost 86 years old and find that I no longer have the necessary drive to do the job.  I tend to procrastinate too much, miss deadlines and am often too tired.  It has been a great time and we have made important progress in seeing to the effectiveness and long-term stability of the RSPOA.  I am proud that this board and I have been able to make the changes to carry us forward.

When I started this adventure we had John Sullivan, Mike Slessman, Dick Rovig, Pat Munter,  John Nordlund and Nick Bulpin all active with RSPOA.  John and I served on the Coalition Board of Directors as well. Ed Caalim was the President, and I filled the vacancy when he left. I know I am leaving folks out, but it has been twenty years, and I am old—my apologies.

I recently met with Nick and John and discussed my desire to resign.  John agreed to assume the role of president so future action will now rest with him and the board.  Everybody knows John’s work both on the RSPOA Board and with other groups.  He will do a great job going forward.  I will remain available to assist as needed.  The next session of the legislature will need a strong push from us to secure another distribution of the surplus and I will lend whatever help I can in that endeavor.  

I plan to make a formal announcement at the March 14th meeting.

I want to thank each of you for your help and support over these many years.


President Nordlund asked Myrle Carner to introduce the scheduled guest speaker, Edmonds Police Department Commander David Machado. Commander Machado gave recap of his 34-year career with Edmonds PD outlining his various assignments including TAC officer at the basic Law Enforcement academy where he was recognized as Master Control & Defensive Tactics Instructor by both Federal and State courts. He is currently in charge of all Patrol Operations. His career consisted of Bike Patrol, FTO, and Alert Commander. He’s married to wife, Cami for 36 years and they have 3 grown sons. Nordlund presented Dave with an RSPOA badge with thanks and applause.

The Guich drawing was conducted for door prizes.

There being no further business, President Nordlund adjourned the meeting at 1230 hours.

The Nile Staff was overwhelmed with the participation but were successful presenting the promised Corned Beef Cabbage lunch for the overflow crowd of 61 folks.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary

April 11, 2024 
Minutes of Monthly Meeting 

President Nordlund called the meeting to order at 1145 hours in the Red Room if the Nile Country Club April 11, 2024. Pepper Pramhus led the Pledge of Allegiance and Nordlund asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance: 

  • Herb Johnson #2414 passed March 16th at 83 years. He retired as Assistant Chief of Police in December 1993 and was called back February to July 2000 as acting Chief. 
  • Donald Wood #1723 passing March 21st at 91 years retired 1981 following 25 years of service. 
  • Sharon Swindler, widow of Captain Herb Swindler passed away March 22nd at 83 years. 

President Nordlund reported a memorial service for retired Sergeant Joe Sanford was held last Saturday in Kingston. Eric Michl provided transportation thanks to the North Precinct Commander, Lori Aagard allowing the use of the department van. Mayor Bruce Harrell attended the service and declared by proclamation April 6th as Joe Sanford Day in Seattle. 

Roll Call of board members showed Jerry Taylor, Nick Bulpin, Joe Bouffiou, Dan Melton, Dan Oliver as present with Rich O'Neill, Kevin O'Neill, Terri MacMillan, and John Sullivan excused. 

Nordlund directed attention to the March Minutes that have been distributed along with President Taylors letter of stepping down attached. He then asked for any corrections or additions. There being none, Ed Turner moved the minutes be accepted as written, seconded by Joe Bouffiou, and passed. 

President Nordlund reported Joy Hollingsworth has been appointed pension board chairperson and attended her first board meeting with a positive attitude and was well received. 

President Nordlund called Jerry Taylor to the podium and presented him with Plaque honoring his twenty plus years of service to the members of the RSPOA. 

The Police pension Executive Secretary, Stephanie Coleman explained the need for pension documents to be notarized and thanked the pension office staff for being present to provide the service. Jan Brandes reported the pension office needs to be kept informed of illnesses and medical care needs of members. If a power of attorney for a member has been designated the copies of those agreements should be on file with the pension office. If a care facility is needed for a member, the pension office should be contacted for help and recommendations. 

The President directed attention to Cloyd Steiger and John Guich who conducted the door prize raffle and following that, with no further business the meeting adjourned at 1220 hours and 53 folks enjoyed a buffet lunch. 

Nick Bulpin, Secretary 

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
May 9, 2024

President Nordlund called the meeting to order at 1150 hours in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club May 9th, 2024. Ed Turner led the Pledge of Allegiance and Nordlund asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for the following:

  • Eleanor Zimnisky, widow of Dennis passed away November 13th at 86 years.
  • Nancy Yeowell, widow of Don passed away April 12th at 92 years.
  • Myo Shears, widow of Bill passed away April 21st at 86 years.
  • Georgia Hutchison, widow of Dick passed away April 22nd at 92 years.
  • Richard Miller, widower of Cindy passed away April 26th at 9 years.

Continuing with sad news, President Nordlund reported the passing of

  • Mike Burke #3140 this last Tuesday, May 8th. Mike was 79 years old and was John’s first Patrol partner. They continued a close friendship since 1969. There will be a celebration of life Saturday, June 1st beginning 10:00 AM at Edmonds Lutheran Church 23525 84th Ave W. Edmonds.

Roll call of Board members showed Nick Bulpin, Joe Bouffiou, Dan Oliver, Rich O’Neill as present with Jerry Taylor, Terri MacMillan, Dan Melton, Kevin O’Neill excused.

Nordlund directed attention to the minutes of the April meeting that have been distributed. He asked for any corrections or omissions. There being none, Ed Turner moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Joe Bouffiou and passed.

Rich O’Neill reported the 80th annual Retired Officers Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th at 3:00 PM SPAA Pavilion.  The caterer has been selected. The change of date to Saturday was chosen for traffic concerns and an earlier dinner/program.

President Nordlund asked Myrle Carner to introduce guest speaker, Cherie Skager. She is President and CEO of the Seattle Police Foundation. With the aid of a 30-minute power-point presentation she displayed the many programs of how the Foundation has benefited the department. The group was impressed with the Foundation’s reach into various recreation and comfort facilities not funded in the day-to-day operation of the Police Department along with providing donated funds to Canine, Mounted and Harbor Patrol and other units keeping those programs operational. This was an education on what the Foundation does with the many donations received from their sponsored events. Cherie was awarded an SPD logo cup and RSPOA badge with applause from all.

John Guich conducted the door prize drawing, then Nordlund adjourned the meeting, and 47 folks enjoyed a Taco buffet lunch.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
June 13, 2024

President Nordlund called the meeting to order at 1146 hours in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club June 13, 2024.  Al O’Brien led the Pledge of Allegiance and Nordlund asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for:

  • Vic Ensz #2437 passing May 5th at 85 years.
  • Danny Barrett #2948 passing May 16th at 82 years.
  • Norma Niemiec passed May 28th at 93 years. (Widow of Dick and mother of Buzzy Katzer)
  • Bruce Creamer #5910 passed May 27th at 74 years.

Roll call of Board Members showed, Jerry Taylor, Nick Bulpin, Joe Bouffiou, Terri MacMillan, Dan Oliver, Rich O’Neill, Kevin O’Neill, present with Dan Melton excused.
Nordlund directed attention to the minutes of the May meeting that have been distributed and asked for corrections or additions. There being none, Joe Bouffiou moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Jerry Taylor and passed.

President Nordlund announced the combined RSPOA/RAP Christmas party has been scheduled for the 3rd Thursday in December.  This will be the monthly RSPOA business meeting scheduled later to provide the Nile Ball Room to accommodate larger attendance.

Rich O’Neill gave an update on the 80th Retired Officers Banquet scheduled for September 14th at the SPAA pavilion. He noted the date is changed to Saturday instead of the usual 2nd Wednesday in September. Doors will be open earlier at 3:30 along with bar and appetizers. Program and dinner also will be earlier.

Rich O’Neill gave a history and brief biography before introducing the guest speaker. Rich recounted the many interactions he had as the SPOG President before introducing the former City attorney. Mark McCarty.

Mark appreciated the opportunity to speak of his friendship with Officer Bryan VanBrunt who succumbed to effects of PTSD before taking his own life September 13, 2019.  When Mark learned of the hardships April and their 2 children endured following her husband’s passing, he stepped in to help. Mark encountered delays and disputes from many agencies that should have recognized the hardships April faced. This included Labor and Industry, DRS, City of Seattle, and Federal agencies. Mark will continue representing April to attain the support and benefits she is entitled to.
Mark and April were awarded RSPOA badges and were thanked and applauded.

Nordlund urged everyone to sign the ballot to put Initiative 2066 before the voters. He then called on John Guich to conduct the door prize drawing before the meeting adjourned. 44 folks then enjoyed Spaghetti and meatballs for lunch.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
July 11, 2024

President Nordlund called the meeting to order in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club at 1145 hours, July 11th, 2024. George Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance and Nordlund asked all to remain standing for a moment of remembrance for:

  • Retired Assistant Chief, Robin Clark #4507 passing June 22nd at 65 years.
  • Jan Sullivan, wife of John L. Sullivan, passed June 24th at 94 years.

Roll call of board members showed Joe Bouffiou, Nick Bulpin, Kevin O’Neill, Dan Oliver, Cloyd Steiger, Jerry Taylor and Mike Ward as present with Terri MacMillan, Dan Melton and Rich O’Neill excused.

Nordlund directed attention to the minutes of the June meeting that have been distributed and asked for any corrections, omission, or additions. There being none, Jerry Taylor moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Joe Bouffiou and passed.

President Nordlund reported the board have approved appointing Terri MacMillan as vice-President replacing Nordlund, along with additions to the RSPOA Board, Cloyd Steiger and Mike Ward. Nordlund reported most retro pay has been distributed and the Pension office is still working on beneficiaries. Thanks to the pension office. Buzzy Katzer was recognized for his recent generous donations to the pension office and RSPOA.

Kevin O’Neill gave a report outlining the Saturday, September 14th Annual Retired Officers Banquet at the SPAA range. Doors will open at 3:30 along with the bar and reception area. There is a need for volunteers to help with set-up on the 12-13th and take down the 15th. Help is also needed during the event with busing tables, cleanup of spills, etc. A north end shuttle will be available via Eric Michl. RAP President, Pepper Pramhus reported the RAP picnic is scheduled for August 15th at the SPAA range. Bocce ball set-up around 10AM with catered lunch 11:30. White elephant gifts are encouraged for the raffle. Pepper also encouraged everyone to attend the weekly RAP meetings every Thursday for companionship and good times. Doors are open 11AM at the Nile.

President Nordlund introduced guest speaker, Edmond City Council President, Vivian Olson. She was elected in 2019 to the council and regards Edmonds as the best small-town environment in the country. She talked about budget restraints that are placed in all communities and Edmonds is no exception. She works with Lynnwood, Shoreline and Mountlake Terrace in effort to combine functions and avoid duplication of efforts that benefit residents. She opened for questions and was successful in answering many concerns, mostly about recent increases in crime. Edmonds also has a need for qualified law-enforcement as well as prosecutors and suggested encouraging recruiting. Vivian was awarded an RSPOA badge and got a well-deserved applause.

John Guich conducted the door prize raffle. The meeting was adjourned at 1220 and 44 folks enjoyed lunch.

Nick Bulpin, Secretary