2025 Meeting Minutes

2025 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
January 9, 2025

President Nordlund called the meeting to order in the Red Room of the Nile Country Club at 1145 hours January 9, 2025. Ed Caalim led the Pledge of Allegiance and Nordlund asked all to remain standing for a lengthy list of last rings:

Joe Nicholas #2683 passing December 1 at 85 years
Dan Melton #2711 passing December 4 at 80 years
Larry Brotherton #5287 passing December 9 at 75 years
Steve Quint #4059 passing December 15 at 69 years
John Larson #2060 passing December 24 at 87 years
Clay Monson #4904 passing December 26 at 60 years
Tim Perry #2602 passed January 4 at 86 years.

Connie Still wife of Fred passing November 17 at 73 years
Joy Jarvis wife of Steve passing December 13 at 77 years
Marie Fletcher widow of Barry passed December 18 at 78 years 

Roll call of directors showed Terri MacMillan, Nick Bulpin, Jerry Taylor, Dan Oliver, rich O’Neill, and Cloyd Steiger as present with Joe Bouffiou, Mike Ward and Keven O’Neill excused.

President Nordlund directed attention to the minutes of the November 7th meeting and asked for any corrections, omissions or additions. There being none, Ed Caalim moved the minutes be accepted as written, second by Jerry Taylor and passed.

President Nordlund reported there has been proposed SB 5085 authored by Senator Robinson as pre-filed 12/19/2024. This would provide some DRS pension fund stability. The bill is written as an attempt to join LEOFF Plan 1, TERS Plan 1 and PRS Plan 1 and create the Legacy Retirement System moving all combined assets to provide full funding for these select retirement plans.

Nordlund asked Jarry Taylor to share his extensive experience dealing with attempted raids on various DRS Retirement Plans. Taylor recalled since the year 2000 several proposals have been dropped by both Washington State House and Senate legislators targeting fully funded plans (LEOFF 1 @146%)) this is an effort to apply excess funds to bring underfunded plans, (PERS 1 @ 85%) and (TRS 1 @ 80%) to more healthy funding.

Taylor reported that most attempts have been defeated due to violations of IRS/Federal Laws and guidelines.

Taylor stressed RSPOA and state RFFOW will closely monitor the progress of this proposal and will be prepared for legal challenges.

There being no further business, the door prize raffle was held and 35 folks enjoyed lunch

Nick Bulpin, Secretary